
Michael Stone (loyalist) Michael Stone (ロイヤリスト)
Michael Stone (born 2 April 1955) is an Ulster loyalist who was a volunteer in the Ulster Defence Association (UDA). Stone was born in England but raised in the Braniel estate in East Belfast, Northern Ireland. Convicted of killing three people and injuring more than sixty in an attack on mourners at Milltown Cemetery in 1988, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. While in jail, he became one of the leaders of the Ulster Defence Association/Ulster Freedom Fighters (UDA/UFF) prisoners.[1] Michael Stone (born 2 April 1955) は an Ulster loyalist で、かつては a volunteer in the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) でした。Stone は England で生まれましたが、the Braniel estate in East Belfast, Northern Ireland で育ちました。 1988 年にConvicted of killing three people and injuring more than sixty in an attack on mourners at Milltown Cemetery、終身刑を言い渡されました。獄中で、彼は the Ulster Defence Association/Ulster Freedom Fighters (UDA/UFF) prisoners のリーダーの一人となりました。[1]
In 2000, Stone was released from prison on licence under the Belfast Agreement and subsequently worked as an artist and writer. In November 2006, Stone was charged with (among other offences) the attempted murder of Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams, having been arrested attempting to enter the parliament buildings at Stormont while armed.[2] Stone was subsequently convicted and sentenced to a further 16 years' imprisonment.[3] 2000 年、Stone は釈放されました / 刑務所から / on licence under the Belfast Agreement / そして subsequently アーチストおよびライターとして働きました。In November 2006、 Stone was charged with (among other offences) the attempted murder of Martin McGuinness および Gerry Adams の殺人未遂 / しようとして捕まったのでした / to enter the parliament buildings at Stormont while armed.[2] Stone was subsequently convicted and 16 年の懲役を言い渡されました。[3]